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VBS Sample Kit - Stand Out

VBS Sample Kit - Stand Out

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Matthew 5:16: "Let your light so shine before me, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

Christians have been called out of the world to be lights to the world. But shining your light can be difficult in a world full of darkness. Being a “peculiar people” is uncomfortable. It’s unpleasant to be the only person not participating in an activity because it’s sinful. It’s hard to find your voice to speak up and say that something is wrong. For young and old alike, it can be easier to just be like the world than it is to stand up for what’s right. But God does not want us to conform to the world, He wants us to be transformed and conformed to Jesus.

In this VBS, we will learn to Stand Out by Choosing to Follow God (Ruth), Confessing Christ (Peter), Saying No to Sin (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego), Humbling Yourself (Zacchaeus), and by Being a Spiritual Leader (Moses and Aaron).

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